Guilty Pleasures

We’ve all had these moments: It’s the end of a long day for you and relaxing on the couch in front of the TV seems like the perfect way to end the night. You’re surfing through the channels, surveying the options in front of you. Then, it happens.

You turn the channel once more and a particular movie lights up your screen. You’ve seen it numerous times before and are well aware of how awful it is. And yet you proceed to put the remote down, close the blinds, shut off the lights, and sink into the cushions on your couch, hoping this will make you invisible as you bask in the awful glory that’s playing out in front of you.

It’s your guilty pleasure.

And you do care who knows it.

For Amanda Bottiggi, a senior at UVM, that guilty pleasure is “Coyote Ugly.” Don’t pretend like you’ve never heard of it, it’s that one with the girls that dance on bars (and a love story thrown in for the female audience).

With only a 21 percent rating on, “Coyote Ugly” is pretty universally known as a “bad movie.”

“But it’s so good!” says Bottiggi. “Like, the acting and plot are horrendous, but I just like the fact that it has appealing qualities for both guys and girls. It’s a good date movie.” [pause] “Don’t judge me.”

Almost 80 percent of critics may have given it an “ugly” review, but “Coyote Ugly” has a Netflix member rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars, further proving that this movie “has a face only a mother could love.

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