Pearl’s goodbye to The Spartan

I didn’t always think the newspaper business was for me, which is extremely ironic considering my major and how long I’ve been involved in the Castleton Spartan student paper.

Now, especially considering my internship at the Rutland Herald, it feels like the logical next step.

I’m graduating this semester, and although I’ll miss a lot about Castleton – theater, the greenhouse, giving tours at Admissions – the newspaper will inevitably be what defined my experience here.

I remember when I first became editor, and the sense of weight I felt. 


Like what I was doing mattered and had to be taken seriously. 

Those first couple months, I soaked it all in. I got up consistently earlier, made a Spartan themed playlist, hung out and watched movies in the Spartan office (some were class assigned so it’s OK), and felt a particular esteem delivering the newspaper.

Now, it’s up to Copy Editor Maddie Lindgren to pick it up next semester and add her own special flair and leadership style, which I know she’ll do (no pressure, but like, a little pressure).

One thing I’ll miss about the structure of the club, compared to other publications I may go on to work with, is how we were able to participate in each step of the process. We were able to write, take photos, design the layout, and deliver it ourselves. You usually don’t get to do all that for a newspaper.

I wonder who will design page 5 now (Arts and Entertainment). Somehow, I stuck with that for basically three and a half years…

I might cry.

I’ve been a part of many great memories over the years. Two trips to NYC for the College Media Association conference, one of which earned us the title of best newspaper in our division, three Christmases helping with our annual children’s fundraiser, and at least 30 Sunday mornings devoted to designing the paper, powered by Dave’s curtesy breakfast snacks.

And, of course, there were many articles that either challenged me or allowed me to explore personal interests. Art and Entertainment type articles typically resonated with me the most, but all of my articles following Honoree Fleming’s death felt important to me as well and pushed me outside of my everyday coverage.

I’m incredibly grateful for our staff, past and present, and Dave for making the work fun and helping me find my ideal career. So long, Castleton Spartan!

– Pearl Bellomo

Managing Editor

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