Art display in library draws attention
The Katerine Aubry art exhibit currently covering the walls of the student lounge in the Coolidge Library is certainly capturing glances.”It’s interesting-and kind of weird,” said student Amanda O’Donnell. “You really don’t know what to think of it.”
There are 23 pieces on display and they all feature women, either fully nude or somewhat exposed. The underlying theme seems to be of the goddess mother bringing forth life onto both our own planet and seemingly other realms of existence too.
Aubrey, on her Web site, put into words how what she hopes to accomplish with her unique art.
“My purpose for painting is three-folded; re-creation, recovery of self and reconnection. I see painting as a physical and sensual approach to give flesh and bones to a long-buried instinctual voice. I see painting too as an act of recovery, a personal quest to unity of self.
“As I paint, I gather the pieces, like a meditation in action, fusing the collected parts into an organic vision coagulated into the oil work of the painting. And I want to re-connect the human to a more organic understanding of life, borrowing from the ever-lasting woman-spirit as “LIFE-GIVER,” notion today too often derided or forgotten. I project the almost heraldic figure of Womanhood into the one of the Tree as the perfect combination of the sacredness of the Natural Life we are today too often alienated from.”
Aubry’s statements are bold, captivating and intriguing much like the actual art. The colors are bold, the images are forceful and the subjects are open for interpretations.
“I really enjoy her paintings. I think most of them are very beautiful,” said art professor Bill Ramage, who made arrangements for Aubry’s art to hang in the library.
The exhibit will remain up throughout the month of November.