Loving the music department

As you walk into the office of Professor Ronald Sherwin you are immediately faced with a welcoming atmosphere.Posters line the walls paying homage to great musician like The Eagles, Pink Floyd, and various classical artists. The wooden accents and red carpet add a homey feel to this roomy office that any professor would envy.
Sherwin is an alumnus of Castleton State College, graduating in 1995. He works along side his wife, Sarah McQuarrie, who he says is fabulous to work with, although her joining him at Castleton does have its downfalls.
The biggest benefit and biggest problem with the situation is too much Castleton talk, says Sherwin. He said they often get on rants about Castleton and everything they are looking forward to, then stop and say they need to stop.
“Then just a few minutes later, we are back on the topic of Castleton,” he said.
“They both make the class a lot of fun,” said Michelle Ross, a Castleton senior who is also in the school choir led by the Sherwins.
There are even students like Matt Hession and Michelle Ross who joined the choir without getting any credit for it.
“The support from everyone really makes this work,” Sherwin said.
The music department gets a lot of support from students and staff alike and it’s what makes the job worthwhile, according to Sherwin.
They put on fantastic shows and will be going on tour in April, however none of it would be possible without the hard work of the entire music department, Sherwin said.
The thing Sherwin said he likes most about Castleton is a true concern by all for the community and a drive to get things done.
He said he feels that the music department is raising the bar and striving to achieve.
“You want to make it happen, we can make it happen,” he said of the energy with in his department.
There are record-breaking auditions and enrollment in the program is increasing dramatically, he said. There are also great opportunities to perform at all over the northeast, including a trip to Carnegie Hall last May.
Sherwin is exited to see the music department evolve and grow, and hopes to help guide it along its way. He talks very highly of his students and the faculty.
He said because of them, “I have the best job in the world.