Bringing the big screen to CSC
Castleton has its own movie theater just for students. It opens one night a week to show one film. But most of our student body just calls it the Monday night movie.Every Monday night at 8 P.M. the Jeffords auditorium fills with students anticipating a good film.
“On average there are about 75 students a week going to the movie” said Melissa Paradee who is the advisor of the Campus activities board also known as CAB.
The movies shown are relatively new. They usually are out of theaters but not yet on DVD.
In order to get these films for students to watch CAB must rent the copy right for one showing. The copy right is rented from a company called Swank Motion Pictures.
“We cannot just go to Blockbuster to rent a film because it is illegal to show it to that many people without the copy right” Said Paradee.
Paradee is the advisor for CAB but gives all of the credit for these films being a success to Bart Kallgren. Kallgren is the one who deals with Swank to schedule the movies to show, does the advertising for them and plays the movies in Jeffords every Monday.
“We have to pick the movies about two months before the semester starts. Swank sends us a list of what might be coming out when and from there we narrow it down and pick which ones we believe the students will like best and then they mail them to us” said Kallgren. With a little bit of disappointment he continued to mention that not all movies go as planned. For example this semester there needs to be a change where The Hangover and Public Enemies must be switched because Swank will not be able to get it to the school in time. Unfortunately these dates cannot be changed on what Paradee says is the biggest form of advertisement for the movies which is the magnets that every student had gotten in their mailboxes.
Students are usually understanding about the switches in the schedule since they are seeing the movie for free. Each film is a different price for them but on average they are about $421 each making it just under $12,000 a year. This results in on average $5.61 per person that goes to these events if the average number attends. It is well worth it though the students seem to enjoy them.
“I wish it could take place in a bigger auditorium for when they have bigger movies but it is still fun either way” said Brian Bashaw a freshman at Castleton.
“I find them to be a pleasant experience but it would be nice if they occurred more than just one night a week because they are good stress relievers after a long day of classes” Said Mike Callahan, a junior at Castleton.
Monday night movies seem to be a good experience for everyone and occur on Monday nights at 8P.M. in Jeffords auditorium and are completely free to anyone who would like to attend.