Winter makes parking tougher, leads to tows

It’s still snow season and Castleton State College students are complaining that the snow is making the parking problem on campus even worse. Right before February break, there was a snow removal operation on campus and 24 student cars were towed.
Bob Godlewski, director of Public Safety for the college, said that all the cars were towed to the South Street lot –known to students as Africa – instead of to Bruno’s garage in Castleton. He said he chose to do this so as not to inconvenience the students.
The students still had to pay $55 for a tow ticket though.
Jason Gramling, one who had his car towed, was stuck because of the snow build-up from the four previous storms. He said he knew about the snow removal effort and tried to move his car out of the way, but couldn’t. He had to go to work and said he went and informed Public Safety about it.
He was still towed and charged the $55, he said.
He contacted Dean of Students Greg Stone and President Dave Wolk about the situation, telling his side. The administration, he said, made a deal with him to split the cost in half. He is still very unhappy about the situation and feels he is not at fault, but he said apparently there is nothing else he can do.
Adrianna Riggio, a commuter student at Castleton, complained loudly about parking.
“The parking here is ridiculous, let alone in the winter. They do not plow so you cannot see the lines and then they ticket you when you park outside the lines you cannot see,” she said.
Godlewski, however, said he does not think there is a problem. He did a study last fall and says there are 50 more parking spots than students who have cars.
“Students should get here with enough allotted time before class so they can find parking spots,” he said.
Riggio said when she has a 10 a.m. class, she can get here early but there are still no spaces to park in.
“I have to wait until the 9 a.m. classes let out before I can get a spot, which is around 9:50 a.m. and then I have to hurry to make it in time for class,” she said.
Maggie Seiple agrees with Riggio.
“No matter how early I get here I still cannot find spaces and find myself late for class,” she said.