Book Review: The Big Over Easy

“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.” “Jack Spratt could eat no fat.” “Mary Mary quite contrary.” What do these nursery rhymes have in common, other than the fact that they were written by Mother Goose? Normally, nothing. However, in this case the connecting factor is murder.When Humpty-Dumpty is shot off his wall, NCD (Nursery Crime Detective) Jack Spratt and his new partner, Mary Mary have to solve the crime. It did not help that by the time his landlady (one Mrs. Hubbard) found the shell, it was hours after the crime had taken place, and it had been raining. With not too many clues, Jack and Mary are almost ready to give up. But then they begin to suspect that there is more going on than meets the eye. And what does the beanstalk growing in Jack’s mother’s garden have to do with anything?

The Big Over Easy is the first book in the Nursery Rhyme Crime series by Jasper Fforde. Intelligently written, favorite fairy tales are mashed together in an adventure that is hard to forget. If you like the book, do not forget to check out the special features! Each book by Jasper Fforde has special features pages on his website. However, if you do not read the book, you will not be able to access the special features since there is a question that must be answered first.

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