Lose those sweats
It’s 7:45 a.m. and your clock is screaming at you to wake up. Groggily you roll over to smack the clock quiet. You rise from...
Freshman studying multiplies
In high school, everything was on a schedule from 8 a.m to 2 p.m. After that, it was either homework time or an after-school sport...
Diverse religious beliefs are found at the Castle
It’s a beautiful Sunday morning. Where are you? Hugging a toilet remembering the great night you had, or are you in your best clothes sitting...
Battling the winter blues
You’re sitting in your cold dorm room alone. The lights are turned off and the blinds are blocking the “it’s snowing” view. A pile of...
Abandon the stereotypes
You’re walking across campus to head to your usual 8 a.m. class. Your eyes are still half closed and your body is moving like a...
Graduate Gushes: Megan Davis Q&A
Megan Davis is a 2012 Castleton graduate. She majored in communication with a concentration in journalism and a minor in writing. Davis was the managing...
Has the future arrived?
Imagine wearing glasses with a built in computer. Seems a bit dorky, doesn’t it? Do you remember the TV show, Ned’s Declassified? Cookie had a...
Manners please
You’re walking into Woodruff with a heavy backpack and your hands full. There’s someone in front of you and you feel relieved that you won’t...
‘Music is the love of my life’
Paul Kafer bobs his head and bounces his body to the sound coming from a small, but enthusiastic marching band. “Beautiful!” he bellowed from behind...
CSC is starting to feel a little furry
Typical hobbies for college students often include blogging, drinking or playing a sport, but for Scott Santamore, his hobby is a little furrier. “A furry...