Fresh Perspective: Getting adjusted

The months leading up to my arrival at Vermont State University Castleton were filled with nothing but excitement.
That was, until the days started to go by faster, and move-in day went from three months to go to only three more days left.
When the time came to say goodbye to my family, my room, and my cat, the long six-hour ride was filled with nothing but worry and dismay.
However, once I arrived, after a few awkward ice breakers, I started to get used to being away from home.
I learned to love it.
I play field hockey here. Although preseason was rough, having the support and camaraderie of my teammates made it all worth it. We even ended up making it to the Championships.
Even though we lost in the end, not one moment from my first season was undermined. Playing this sport connected me with some of the best girls I have ever met.
In addition, I was fond of my classes. In particular, I actually really enjoyed my statistics class. I’ve always hated math and it has never been my strong suit. However, my statistics class here ended up being my favorite class last semester. Another class that I thought was really intriguing was Cinema Studies. We learned the process behind making movies, as well as editing our favorite films.
I liked the small environment, and the one-on-one connections with professors because of the class sizes.
Sometimes I dislike how small our campus is, but for the most part it’s pretty nice. Everyone knows pretty much everyone, and most classes are only a five-minute walk away.
Skiing and snowboarding is a really big thing here. I live with some girls on the ski team. I had never gone skiing before, but my friends taught me. While it was really hard at first, and frustrating, I grew to love it. I’m not very good, but it’s a lot of fun.
There were times where school felt hard. Being away from home for so long was tough. Especially when I could not go home for fall break because of field hockey, but my twin brother and friends could.
Overall, though, I have an enjoyable outlook toward Castleton. Sometimes there are a few rough patches, but I move past them.
And even when I miss home, the minute I return, I want to come back. I really like my experience on the field hockey team here. I suggest playing a sport here at Castleton, for it gives you a group of people to connect with and build great friendships with.