The road back
My day started on a Wednesday around 6 a.m when my insufferable alarm clockwould not stop yelling at me to wake up. It was move-in...
She was beautiful and I may have led to her death
I’m a safe driver. But when I was running behind unsure if I was going to make it on time, of course I went faster...
What’s next for the closed Cottage?
It may sound high maintenance, but who really has time to walk all the way to Huden or Fireside every time they need something to...
You don’t need the products social media shoves at you
I should be consuming social media; my social media should not be consuming me. Lately, as I do my nightly scroll through social media, I’ve...
A letter to VTSU President Mike Smith
Dear President Smith, I am writing in response to the new initiatives announced recently regarding the Art Department at VTSU Castleton campus. I work part...
Rockin’ and jammin’ in the rain
Have you ever heard someone talking about how last-minute plans are always the best plans? Like when you and your friends just randomly decide to...
From social butterfly to fear
I have always been a very social person, extremely easy to talk to and someone who can make friends with anyone. College changed that a...
Stuck in the middle
It’s morning time. Something like 7:30, 8 o’clock. I roll out of my bed, get dressed and stretch a little to hear my knees crack....
Detaching from social media
I was never much of a social media person. Maybe it’s because I was a bit late to the game. My parents didn’t want me...
Zodiac signs are fun, but let’s not go overboard
As more and more U.S. adults are separating from traditional religion, many still desire an outlet for “spirituality,” which primarily entails a search for self-knowledge...