New semester brings new beginnings and frigid temps

Kallie Haynes walks to her first class of second semester.

Plumes of warm breath streamed from the mouths of both students and faculty as they trudged up and down the sidewalks of campus the first week back to classes with temperatures consistently well-below freezing.

The first week back from winter break is always a bittersweet mix of reconnecting with friends, new classes and schedules, dry hands and fresh beginnings.

But the beginning of 2025 is looking to be off to a great start for VTSU Castleton students and staff. 

“I’d give it a solid 8.9 out of 10,” VTSU student Daniel Wright said.  

The great start to the semester for Wright was helped by the fact that his only class for Tuesdays got canceled during the first week and the flexibility in his schedule is great for perfecting his gym routine.

“I am most excited about establishing a solid gym schedule and seeing friends,” Wright said. 

VTSU English professor Candy Fox said she is thrilled to be back at campus and intrigued to get to know all the students, which is always her favorite part. 

“It’s been fabulous!” she said. “Energy is good, students are great, everyone is paying attention. They’re motivated. Bright shiny faces. I’m just very excited.” 

Sophomore Brookelyn Kimball is off to a smooth start as well since she has familiar professors and is already at home with the campus. 

However, Kimball is most excited for the new opportunities this semester is already bringing her. 

“I just applied to be a peer mentor,” she said. “I am very excited to see where that goes!”

Kimball explains how she is not too overwhelmed with changes in her schedule and is just ready to get past the first week of syllabus review and fired up to dive head-first into the semester.

On the other hand, for some, getting used to a new schedule and routine can be one of the hardest parts of a new semester. 

English professor Candy Fox lectures during the first week of class.

“I’m definitely nervous about adjusting to my new schedule. I’m not really good with change, and having different professors and different class times is a bit overwhelming for me,” said VTSU student, Clarabel Redondo.

Like Redondo, Wright also explains that he is having some nervous feelings. He anxiously shared how Wednesday’s for him are packed with back-to-back classes, then booking it to the gym, and sometimes followed up by work at the Rutland rock climbing gym. 

For others, the first week back has been a little different as break may have been a little shorter. 

VTSU student and women’s hockey player Annika Nelson has been back on campus with the hockey team since December 28. 

“It was definitely a weird switch from just playing hockey every day to having to go to classes, but after the first couple of days, I was back into the groove,” Nelson said. 

She said that the thing making her the most nervous for the second semester are her online classes, since she has never taken one before and is scared about missing work. Although, so far so good for Nelson and staying on top of work. 

Similar to Nelson, Fox is also faced with online classes and is navigating a routine for her first Connections 3 online class. Overall, though, she said she is excited about the new course.  

Good vibes and high intentions for the first week back at VTSU Castleton is what keeps our campus thriving and the staff filled with joy. 

“Watching students grow while getting to know each other is an amazing process to be a part of, and so inspiring. That’s why I love to teach!” Fox said with a glow of passion in her eyes. 

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