Graduating student eyes media future

Graduating and leaving a college you love can be hard and scary for anyone. What does the future hold? What is next? How long until I have to pay back loans? All are things that run through a college graduate’s mind.
But what is it like when you are graduating and have already been in your field of work for nearly 10 years and run your own business?
That is the exact situation I am currently in.
When I was 12 years old, I started a weekly online web show where my uncle and I talked about what was happening in the motorsports world.
The passion evolved more in high school when I started filming high school athletics. It started with just my high school, and then it transformed into traveling around to area high schools filming their games too.
By the time I graduated from high school, I had established the foundation for my company and the next chapter in my future, attending Castleton University.
My freshman year was not an ordinary one. I attended classes Monday through Friday, and then I drove home on Friday afternoons to cover events back in New Hampshire only to drive back to campus Sunday night.
There were days, however, when I would not attend class to travel to film an event. Although they were few and far between, it shows just how passionate I was about the business.
Additionally, in my freshman year, I started dating my girlfriend, who quickly became a part of my passion by helping me at events and making those long road trips fun.
Just to drive the point home about my passion, from 2017-2020, I did all the games and events for free.
I made zero dollars, but I had no issue spending money.
I officially became an LLC in 2020 and continued to cover events across New Hampshire and Vermont – until COVID-19 changed the world.
We had an explosive summer of 2020 and we continue to grow with every season.
Additionally in 2020, I changed my college path from a four-year bachelor’s degree to a two-year associate’s degree.
Why the change?
There were multiple factors outside of my company, many of them being personal and financial.
However, my company was certainly a reason for reassurance about me going into the real world. It gives me a sense of stability going into the next chapter of life.
With graduation in a couple weeks, I have started to reflect on my time at Castleton. Although more than half the time was online due to COVID-19, I am still going to miss CU.
I will miss the professors, the personnel who make the campus run, and most importantly my friends.
Additionally, I’ll miss driving around campus with my production trailer, watching people point and look confused.
I’ll miss that same confused look and pointing when I would have my lit-up Christmas tree riding the back of my truck during December.
My time at Castleton was awesome, and I know I’ll be back to work on small projects within different departments around campus. And who knows maybe I’ll be back to complete my bachelor’s degree.
Thank you, Castleton, for all the connections, friendships, and experience to prepare me for the future.