Señor Senior
I’m graduating May 14. I have to join the real world. I’m probably not going to, but I have to soon. So this is a bummer but I’m excited to move on I guess. I’ll get to experience early adulthood, whoopee. By that I mean, I’m going to keep doing what I’ve been doing, just in my parents basement for a few months. Castleton’s been my home the last four years for the most part, and I’m sad to move away.Well, this is it. No more college after this week. No more school after this, either. I’m going to miss it all. I remember my first party. Oh yeah.
Castleton changed a lot since I first arrived in 2007. I’ll remember how hot it is in September and then 30 degrees in October. I’ll remember what the Campus Center used to look like, with the amphitheater; upgrade for sure. I’ll remember Frisbee in the fields, and when I first saw the lights get erected at Spartan Stadium. I’ll remember Huden and all the dorms and suites too.
I’ll remember S.O.S. and the green recycle frog, and buying a recycle bin for my place off campus. I’ll remember “Pub Nights” even though I’ve only been to one I think, but I’ll remember them! I’ll remember Soundings in the F.A.C. and being the only nerd who finished them on time. I’ll remember mentoring, and all the hundreds of other campus activities too.
I’ll remember my first fallball practice for lacrosse and of course my first game. Separated shoulder. I’ll remember my first 6 a.m. workout and how I was pondering ways to not die. And all the bros, too. NAC champs.
I’ll miss having friends in such a small radius, and all the texting and lack of walking. I’ll remember how far a crushed can travels off the end of a Wiffleball bat and a cell phone too. And a cinder block for that matter, (not far). Damn, we hit a lot of shit with bats. I’ll remember the Halloweens. Obviously. Come on, bro. And the Dog too.
There’s a lot I’ll take with me. There are too many memories. It would take forever to write them. I’ll have them though, so that’ll be key. I don’t know why I’m being all nostalgic. There’s still a couple weeks left on my lease after May 14 anyway.
College was awesome. Going out on my own will be equally as awesome if I decide so. So yeah. Say what up if you’re going to graduation. This isn’t a tight-knit group like those lame high school team-building activities, “yay seniors!” You have those too? I bet you did. But good luck to all the other folks graduating with me. And if you’re not graduating or going, have a great summer anyway because we went to college together, so we’re homies