Student charged with sexual assault continues life at Castleton
The Castleton State College student charged with sexually assaulting another student during a party at his home on Main Street in January remains academically active at the college.Kevin Magee pleaded innocent on Jan.25 in Rutland District Court to a felony count of sexual harassment following with a status conference on March 1.
Court officials stated that depositions have been filed and Magee isn’t expected to be back in court until August and will likely have a trial date set for some time in September 2010.
Magee was again unable to be reached for comment.
While some students may be questioning the immediate dismissal of another student charged with aggravated assault on campus, CSC Dean of Students Dennis Proulx explained that the college has yet to receive any formal complaint from the victim of the alleged sexual assault and therefore has no grounds to pursue any disciplinary action. Proulx stated that if the college felt there was a threat to public safety, officials would take action.
Some students interviewed feel confident in CSC’s judgment, but wished to keep their comments on such a sensitive topic confidential.
“I feel like the college would be the first to do something if it was called for,” said a sophomore female student. Her friend, also a sophomore, agreed saying “I don’t think that someone’s criminal record out of school should affect their academics.”
But other students feel differently about Magee’s presence.
“I don’t understand how a sexual assault is any less of an offense than a stabbing,” said a CSC female senior referring to the recent on-campus assault involving a knife. “I think it’s creepy that he’s allowed to continue like nothing happened.”
Another female student, a junior, argued that off-campus actions should weigh just as much those on campus.
“The way I see it is that there were two assaults with a knife, only one of them was a different kind of knife,” she said.