Fresh Perspectives
What to write about seems like a question I am constantly asking myself. A lot of my teachers or organizations that I’m in expect me to come up with my own topic ideas. It’s hard to pick just one topic to spend time on and be passionate about when there are so many important topics that I’d love to write about. Yesterday I moved into a new room. It was the hardest move of my life. I went from Castleton 101 to Castleton 301. I wasn’t unsatisfied with my old room a triple with two other really cool girls. The issue was that my new roommate was in a single (how boring that must be). We were becoming good friends and discussed how nice it would be to get out of my cramped up forced triple. That was when we decided we should move in together. Have you ever had to tell your roommates and suitemates you were moving out?
College is hard as a freshman with all these new privileges and freedoms. It’s so hard to focus on school and manage your time to do everything that needs to get done and still experience all these new things. It even adds to the toughness when it feels like all teachers think that their class is the only class you take and sometimes go on overload. For me it even gets one step harder with having an on campus and off campus job just to keep some cash in my pockets.
At least I’ve finally gotten a hold of blackboard and understand how to find all necessary links. I came from a high school that never taught or said anything about the internet. It’s a completely new experience that took me until now to be able to use it to its full potential.
Hall Olympics are this week. On Tuesday Castleton Hall had only six points towards winning but by Wednesday they had 58 only nine points away from Wheeler, which has 67 points. Wednesday with only one day left Castleton is in the lead with 126 points I hope Castleton can get enough support to win the Olympics!
It’s weird to look around and think about the old friendships. Now that we are in the second semester most everyone has found their clique or the friends they like to hang out with. Freshmen are more comfortable and set with their friends. They have met new people and began to see where and who they fit in with here at Castleton.
Break is coming up soon two topics I’ll have to write about and tell how they went in my next article!