The census is coming-find some time to fill it out
Every decade, the U.S. Census Bureau sends out questionnaires to the country’s population seeking your name, gender, age, race, and relationªship. Castleton State College students will join the rest of America in filling out those forms, but as residents of Vermont.”It is important that the students are counted as a resident of Vermont. They should be counted in this state since this is their primary residence for most of the year,” said Dennis Prolix, dean of students and man in charge of the census on campus. “As a member of Castleton, we all use the states’ resources while living here.”
Prolix is trying to get the word out to students to make sure they fill out the census forms — and do it as Verªmont residents. Some students asked about it say it makes perfect sense.
“I think it’s a good idea to keep the population of the college informed in the census because they are in fact populating the state of Vermont and using our resources while they continue their education,” said senior Danielle Landry. “Even if they do not call this state home, it’s where they live at the moment.”
But how will it work?
“They will be sending out the census questionnaire for all resident students probably at the beginªning of April, and the CA’s will be distributing them,” explained Prolix. “Someone from Boston is going to come and describe the details within the next month and teach the people involved all about it.”
Prolix said the census is to be treated as a snapshot of where you live on April 1.
“If you are living on campus or in Vermont on April 1, you will say that you are a Vermont resident,” he said. “It is important for parents to know that they should not count their son or daughter when are away at school. Don’t count the college student in the household, if they are not actually livªing in the household, or they will be counted twice.”
There are hundreds of students at this college who live off campus and commute, and they will be treated a little differently, but should still fill it out as Vermont residents, Prolix said.
“If students are living off camªpus, they will be part of the town’s census program, where people will be coming door to door to hand out the information,” said Prolix.
But there is still one question that is left unanswered for the CSC stuªdents: Why should they do this?
“The youth population in Vermont is dropping, so it is important that the college students are all counted for,” said Lori Earner, co-chair for the census on campus. “Federal dollars are divided up by population. It’s important that the count of people is accurate. The process is short and won’t take long. It’s the student’s duty to do this.”
Virtual flyers have been sent out to everyone enrolled in the e-mail services at CSC, and although most students put most bulk mail into the trash folder, it is important to read these details to know what the census is giving back to the college comªmunities.
“Filling out the questionnaire is more important than people may realize,” according to the U.S. Census Bureau. “Census data can affect colªlege tuition grants and loan programs, decisions about funding for academic communities like transportation, public safety, and medical care and road repairs.”
“It’s a good idea that out-of-state students are considered as Vermont residents because they use the same resources that we do as residents of Vermont,” said Matt Varney, CSC Senior. “Once the government gets that kind of information, it might help the state to receive more resources and funding.