Fresh Perspectives
The season of cold has finally arrived bringing many things. We saw our first real snow storm last weekend, and with it came a feeling of anticipation. The wait and appearance of the first snow always reminds me how much I appreciate Vermont. The first snow took what seemed like forever.
I love the Vermont seasons, but the snow and bitter cold gets old for me very fast. The walk to classes has changed completely from hot hallways and sweaty classes to the freezing outdoors and warm classes. Wednesday’s storm led many students to avoid classes, even though classes weren’t canceled.
I was definitely hoping for a snow day, but I feel like it will take a lot to have a snow day here at Castleton. Last year at high school in Brattleboro, we got so many snow days I lost count. I don’t know what to expect on a snow day, but I assume it will take worse weather than in high school.
The snow also brought finals. Being a freshman I have gotten sick many times from the stress I have made for myself and received. After some psychology classes, I feel like the amount of snow and cold plus finals will result in many students’ getting sick. The combination of the cold weather and stress is a rough one.
All this is finished off with a beautiful goal of going home. It is the perfect time for Christmas break. It will soon be time to travel our separate ways to our homes for the holidays and families.
The semester will finally have ended and my first semester of college will be over — finally. It has been a long one and I can’t be happier to be starting new classes at a new time. I have learned a lot from my mistakes this semester and I know I will be a better college student next semester.
After writing a paper about the transitions a freshman goes through into college I can attest to and agree about the many new and different situations one goes through in a new college setting.
I feel like my success as a freshman was minimal this semester, and I keep telling myself the first semester is the hardest.
So I am slowly awaiting the start of this new semester with an open mind and my “git ir done” face. The start of the semester is coming, and I hope all my freshman counterparts are as ready as I am. Have a happy holidays and safe travels Castleton.