Are you ready for the summer?
Summer months mean many different things to different people. It used to be about carefree vacation, but that was in grammar school and maybe early high school. For most college students, the true sense of the word vacation is no longer part of summer.It’s all about work, work, and more work, students say.
“I have to work pretty much all summer to be able to afford living in my apartment. It sucks some times, but it has to be done,” said Jared Haskins, a Castleton junior.
Drew Arnesen, also a junior at Castleton, plans on staying in the area for the summer instead of making the journey back to his Colorado home.
“It’s a long damn drive all the way to Colorado so I may stay here this summer and try to work or something,” Arnesen says while shaking his head at the thought of the 20-hour drive.
But not all students are planning on all work and no play. Sophomore Beth Fleck will work a lot, but she’s also planning to have some fun too.
“I work four or five days a week now at Dellveneri’s Bakery in Rutland so I can take some time off this summer,” Fleck said. “I plan on going to down to Boston a couple times to visit my boyfriend and also Virginia. I have family there.”
Countless students said they’ll be working doing internships this summer with the hope of scoring a possible job after graduation.
“I am also trying to get an internship with Edgewood Studios this summer. I really want to do something in film and this is the perfect opportunity to get my foot in the door,” Fleck says.
And Haskins said even though he’ll be working full-time, there will be some time for fun too.
“Summer vacation isn’t what it used to be, but I still enjoy it as much as possible,” he said walking to class last week.