Movie Review: Right at Your Door
Since we are in the post 9-11 era now, is a perfect time to release your frustrations about the administration, the government in general and or terrorists. Chris Gorak was feed up with the constant fear of terrorist threats that is being drilled into people’s heads. Because of these frustrations he came to an idea for the movie, Right at Your Door.
The premise of Right at Your Door is simple-terrorists attack LA with dirty bombs (bombs which release lethal chemicals).
A man barricades himself inside his home with trash bags and duct tape just as the authorities tell him to do, but when his wife comes home, he doesn’t let her in.
She has been exposed to the chemicals.
With a conflict like that, the tension stays pretty high, pitting raw human emotion against two people that love each other.
The film makes you think what you would do in this situation.
Whether or not to let your spouse inside your home when you know she is covered with a deadly chemical would be heart wrenching to anyone. I for one had a hard time deciding what I would do as I watched the movie.
I thought I might let my spouse in since if the whole city is contaminated and the deadly ash rained onto my home. At that point I’m most likely infected as well, so I might as well let her in.
But then again, the chemicals might not have affected me and there’s no need to get another person poisoned. It’s not that I don’t love my spouse; I just hope she would understand the logic behind it.
Since this film is a low budget flick, they use some pretty interesting money saving techniques. Instead of relying heavily on the visual, they suggest a lot with audio.
There is no television coverage of the attack, only radio reports. But they do show plumes of smoke, reminiscent of the 9-11 attacks.
They most likely showed the few shots of smoke, but not the news reports so the audience doesn’t get completely cheated and so the production company can save some money.
In a sequence when the main character, Brad, goes out to rescue his wife, the streets seem quite normal. The background noise of police sirens and people yelling tells a different story.
Brad’s wife Lexi is seen in her car in the city near the attack site. The only thing that can be seen in the two shots is a tight shot of her in her car and a close up of her, surrounded by smoke, but the audio depicted a disaster zone.
The audio tricked me so much that after I watched the movie for the first time I thought there were buildings and people running around in the background, by the second time I watched the movie, there was only smoke.
Right at Your Door is a well made low budget film because it realistically shows what a common person would do if in this circumstance.
It’s not a cheesy action flick about a lone government agent or an every day man stopping a clan of terrorists trying to bomb LA.
Nor is it an over the top horror movie were the dirty bombs turn the citizens into zombies (not that would be a bad movie.)
The low budget crew covers their tracks well by having most of the action take place in the house funneling your attention down to tightly scripted scenes of real human drama.
For no-name actors they did their job better than a million-dollar-paid actor like Tom Cruise. They never leave their character or make you feel they are using more emotion then necessary (like Tom Cruise).
All in all, it’s a film worth seeing by all, especially if you’re mad at the government and or terrorists.