Senior Column
I guess you could say I am a “super duper senior,” since my first year of college began in 2001. I have taken about a year and a half off, here and there, but this is the final stretch. Last semester was tough because I had been out of school and I didn’t know about the changes that occurred while I was away, like the Information Literacy and Quantitative Reasoning tests.
I decided that I should take them and get them over with, so I signed up. The time came for the QR test, so I got to the room, sat down and followed the instructions.
Afterwards, I submitted my score and waited to see if I passed or not. I failed by one question. So, I returned to Woodruff to sign up for another round.
The IL test arrived the following week, however, due to Harry McEnerny’s class and the fact that our scenes ran over class time, I was late.
Ok, it was my fault, and Harry wasn’t to blame – I really loved that class – but when I showed up for the test four minutes late, I was told I had to reschedule.
So, I trotted off to Woodruff again to sign up for a second round of this test as well. When the time came to retake the IL test, all of us test-takers waited quietly for the test to begin. Then we realize that the person who administers the test is fifteen minutes late.
Someone left to find out what happened, and when they returned, said nobody knew anything.
Finally the wonderful Meredith stopped by and tried to fix the problem, but it turned out we all had to – guess what? Reschedule!
I’m pretty pissed at this point.
So, I wait until the next round of QR, and I pass it (barely).
One weight off my shoulders.
I get an email asking me what time is best for me to try to take the IL test. I set it up and take the test (in a very comfy chair), and pass. Thank God!
It’s great to be a senior; you run around and work hard to get things done and if you’re a good little Toby, you get your degree.
Then you have to pay for loans and hope you have a job after graduation. Hopefully your internship did a good enough job getting you ready for the real world.
I am sad to report that I have to drop my Shakespeare class because I don’t want that or my internship to suffer, and as it turns out, the two together are too much. I hate having to do that because I feel like I am admitting defeat.
I don’t want the professor to hate me for not doing well in class, because frankly, I like her – she’s funny. I don’t want my editor hating me because my stories suck, because I need the reference and experience.
I am also taking a Speaking Intensive class that I left for the last second, and that’s a toughie too. I do find it interesting; I feel a flashback to seventh grade approaching.
Anyway, I will leave ya’ll to the other articles in this fine publication. And yes, this is how I really talk, and no, I am not southern.
I will leave you now with a quote from my favorite show’s theme song (if you don’t know it, shame on you!).
“You’ve crossed the finish line/won the race but lost your mind/was it worth it after all?” – Lazlo Bane – Superman