Pride Day

Pride Day at Castleton is not just for the Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender community.
“It’s a day for everyone to take pride in who they are, no matter their sexual orientation,” says Laura Olson, president of 1 in 10, the club that sponsors the event.
It is also a chance for the club to get their name out in public early on in the year as well as show support for the GLBT community especially on campus, according to Olson.
There is a low number of GLBT at Castleton, according to Olson.
“I don’t know if people aren’t coming out or there really aren’t that many,” she said.
A table was set in the lobby of the campus center Thursday afternoon with information about the GLBT community, free prideful paraphernalia including pins, stickers and flags, as well as trivia questions for a chance to win a pride bear. There was free pizza at 6 and a showing of “In and Out” starring Kevin Kline at 7 that night.
The club would prefer Pride Day to be on National Coming Out Day on Oct. 11 but the school is on break during that week. They settle for it to be anytime in Oct. considering the month is GLBT history month.
The 1 in 10 club would like to have at least one event per month and on the schedule for Nov. is a drag show as well as a presentation of two short films in conjunction with Reel Action, according to Olson.