Average Jo
October break is coming, well by the time this comes out it will have come and gone. Pretty much everything I talk about will be old news, but that’s just how it goes I suppose. Going home for break is probably the best thing ever (unless you despise your house and family). I considered staying on campus for most of my breaks this year, but as the month went on and I didn’t get to see my family or friends I decided to go home on most, or all, of the breaks this school year.
I mean who doesn’t like free laundry, food shopping in your parent’s kitchen and the comfort of their own bed?
I sure enjoy it.
One week of pure relaxation would be ideal, but of course there’s working at the job I still have back home, and of course any school work that may present itself.
There’s always that rush before break too. You try to cram in as much school work, cleaning and packing in on the last three days before you are supposed to leave. Scratch that, the night before.
I just realized how disgusting my room has gotten slowly over the course of the last few weeks. I told myself there would never be a pile of dirty dishes in the corner for more than a day, and my bed would always be made.
Yeah, right.
Even though I have time to do these things, I don’t. Papers, classes, friends. These are my cleaning downfall. Friends are an awesome thing to have, yet a huge distraction. Instead of cleaning, I go to Rutland, or make dinner, or goof off in some form.
After the mad rush of last minute details, everyone is ready for break. What do I look forward to the most? Getting to see my best friend Caitlyn for the first time in over a month. That and the fact that hopefully I will get to see my boyfriend without the interruption of us both having to work for at least two days.
On the 6th, one of my good friends is getting married. I’m the flower girl, (yes flower girl) in her wedding, which is awesome. I’ve known her since freshman year of high school, so the idea is pretty exciting. Except….
She’s 19.
Younger than me. 19! I can’t get over it. I’m happy for her and everything, just 19 seems so young. They have been together for three years I think, so it’s not as if they are just jumping into this. I suppose I don’t understand because I’m not them. I wish them the best of luck anyways, and hope it all works out.
Speaking of age, I’m 20. Two zero. Pretty much time to start thinking about careers. I stopped by the career fair we had in the gym. In high school I never took career fairs seriously. And honestly I hadn’t planned on going to it yet, because I figured I have two and a half years I’ll think about it later on. But I was called in to help broadcast a bit with the radio station, so I checked out a few booths.
A couple booths caught my eye. Mainly, the internships at Rutland Herald. Hopefully I can score one of those soon, maybe throughout the school year. Then I could hit up the Burlington Free Press in the summer when I live there. I realized that these are the types of things I need to be doing now, not later.
Yay me for coming up with that brilliant revelation. Not.
Sometimes it takes a while for me to use common sense.
I saw a booth for The College of Saint Rose. This reminded me of Caitlyn. I checked it out just for that purpose, not really for any other reason. I had been considering transferring, maybe to St. Rose. I’m not sure they have a journalism major though, a question I forgot to ask the representative (I was definitely not prepared like most people were). Hopefully, everyone got something out it, besides all of the amazing treats each booth was giving out.
So here’s hoping everyone had an awesome break.
I’m sure I will be ready for the next one as soon as my first class starts….