Famous “Peace Mom” to visit Castleton
She first gained the nation’s attention in 2005 for her extended demonstration and campout near President Bush’s ranch. Now, she’s coming to hold the attention of the Castleton Community.Cindy Sheehan became one of the prominent faces of the anti-war campaign after the death of her son, Army Specialist Casey A. Sheehan. Casey was killed in action in Sadr City, Baghdad in April 2004.
Since Casey’s death, Sheehan has engaged in U.S. international protests against the United States’ role in Iraq, vowing, “I will spend my life trying to make Casey’s sacrifice count for peace and love, not killing and hate.”
The 26-day vigil she held in Crawford, Texas that made her a household name, drew hundreds of supporters including folk singer Joan Baez. The 2005 demonstration that has since been dubbed Camp Casey was Sheehan’s attempt to confront Bush about the war and demand an explanation for the America’s occupation of Iraq.
Sheehan believes Bush owes her an answer as to why her son “had to die.”
With a group of military families, Sheehan helped found the Gold Star Families for Peace in 2005. Their web site describes them as “families of soldiers who have died as a result of war are organizing to be a positive force in our world to bring our country’s sons and daughters home from Iraq, to minimize the human cost of this war, and to prevent other families from the pain we are feeling as the result of our losses.”
The non-profit organization is now more than 86 families strong.
In November 2006 Sheehan and two other Gold Star mothers were arrested in front of the White House while attempting to deliver anti-war petitions. According to MSNBC, the petitions opposed the use of military force in order to resolve the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program.
Sheehan is the author of “Peace Mom: A Mother’s Journey through Heartache to Activism” which was published September 2006. She is also the co-author of several other publications, including “House of Ill Repute: Reflections on War, Lies, and America’s Ravaged Reputation” and “10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military.”
The famous grieving mother will speaking at C.S.C. as part of her Town Meeting Democracy Tour with John Nichols of the Capital Times. The event will be held in the Fine Arts Center Auditorium on Saturday, March 3rd at 6:30 p.m. It is free and open to both students and the general public.