Sounding Off

No more events this semester. Here is a sneak preview of some spring offerings:

Jan. 18 at 4 p.m., FAC, Convocation & the Martin Luther King, Jr. commemorative event

February – Groovelily – take theatre, rock, jazz, pop, & folk, blend and serve with humor

March – ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ — film and discussion

April – Boston Brass–hot brass, classical to jazz

Quotable lines:

Man of La Mancha

Question: Which song do you think best supports the meaning of the play?

“The Impossible Dream.” The whole meaning of the play, as well as the song, is to hold fast to your dreams. The rest of the world may not see your vision and even scoff at it, but dream it anyway. We need to see the beauty and greatness in the world and people and not all the ugly and bad. We can choose what we “see” in life.” Christina Whitcher

India: Culture, Karma, Caste, and Cows

Question: How have your perceptions about India changed, or not changed, as a result of this presentation?

“I have always wanted to travel to India. It just seems like such an amazing and diverse country. My perception has changed because people have always deferred me from the idea. Yet even more so I would like to experience India and the complexity and diversity. There is so much within the growing technology of tradition that is still engraved within the people of India’s lives. It would be amazing to experience that contrast between tradition and the modern world. Alexandria Jensen

“My perceptions have changed completely because I always thought of India as

very poor. I never realized that they were a hugely growing industrial

society. I also did not realize they were a democracy. I know more about

the government and economy, which is nice. It’s good to broaden your horizons

and learn about other countries.” Caitlyn Crelin

Shafaatullah Khan


Describe one way Shafaatullah Khan’s music is similar to Western music and one way that it is different.

“One way Shafaatullah Khan’s music is similar to Western music is that there is history to both; they both have rituals. For example, Western music tells a story, and that story never changes; this music still uses the instruments that were used a long time ago.

Yet both kinds of music are different in that the rhythms are completely different. Also, Western music is much more lyrical; Shafaatullah Khan’s is more instrumental.

Sarah Herrick-Kaiser

“Shafaatullah Khan represents an ethnic and cultural experience that is a unique introduction into India. A similarity between Indian and Western music is the relationship to soul, spirituality of individuality, especially when compared to jazz. A difference between the two is the attitude of the musicians. These musicians are relaxed, seated, and comfortable as if they are a part of their instruments. Western musicians are more about center stage performance, an extension of the instrument instead of a part of it.”

Michele LaFlam

“One way that Khan’s music is uniquely different from Western music is the rhythm. He uses very rhythmic patterns with both hands, producing a sound that Western music lacks. By doing this, the listener is treated to an everchanging cascade of sounds.

One way in which Khan’s music is like Western music is the harmony. Like Western music, Khan’s music blends multiple instruments and sounds into one intricate piece. The instruments lose their individualism as they merge, much like Western orchestras.”

Luke Livingston

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