Keturah and lord death

“And I grant you a further boon–find this love in the day I have given you, and you will live and not come with me at all.” So Lord Death tells Keturah when he finds her in the forest. Keturah agrees, but how is a 16 year old girl supposed to find her true love in just one day? Keturah and Lord Death by Martine Leavitt is the story of a sixteen year old girl who meets the man called death one afternoon. In Scheherazade style, Keturah begins by telling Lord Death the beginning of a love story. Her love story. She does not finish the story that night, but begs another day to live–and the next night she will finish her story. Lord Death agrees, and says also that if she can find her true love, he will not take her just yet.

Keturah and Lord Death is a book of searching and romance; but also of learning. Learning what makes true love, and sometimes that the things you look for are right in front of you. It is a relatively short book, but a well told story nonetheless. Out of five stars, this story gets four and a half.

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