Sharing the story of my journey back from the voices
Voices are something that everyone has inside their heads. The voices allow you to think. They tell of thoughts, dreams and ambitions.
The little voice is your very own, and you use it for all of your life.
You think of stories, plots and backgrounds to characters. You imagine worlds to explore, to find escape in, to live another life completely different from your own.
You love this voice, and couldn’t imagine being without it.
Then suddenly another voice pops up.
At first it groans and squeaks, sounds that don’t form any coherent words. And when it first happens you shake it off, you tell yourself this is normal, that it will just go away.
But then it gets worse.
The voices try to make choices for you, acting like the devil on your shoulder. You try to communicate with others around you, but that little voice tries to control you, and you don’t want it to, and so the voice doesn’t cease.
You tell the voices to shut up and go away, but they don’t, and it only gets worse. The voices begin to form complete words, ideas for what you should do with your life.
They begin to control you, and suddenly they begin to make sense.
So, you listen to them.
You stare blankly at a screen of static because the voices tell you to do it.
Then you begin to hallucinate, completely devoid now of rhyme or reason.
They take over, and then you find yourself in the hospital.
You listen to the voices, and suddenly you find yourself completely insane.
For months on end now you are trapped in a modern day insane asylum. They pump you with pills, and as you are entrapped in the confines of these walls, you begin to sob. You ask when you will get out, and they won’t give you an answer.
Days become months, and multiple hospital trips take over your life.
And just when you give up any hope of being normal, the pills work, and the slow trek back to sanity sets in.
Now you find yourself in college. Years have passed since the voices stopped.
You walk around campus, you glare at people wondering if they ever went through something similar to you?
And your mom calls and asks if you are brave enough to tell this story to anyone. And suddenly, as sudden as the voices came and then stopped, you take the initiative to tell everyone your story, to give them hope about their minds and find comfort in yourself.
And suddenly, you find yourself writing this.