Adoption is the best option
As I sit here typing these words, the subject of them is sprawled out before me in the most physically inconvenient manner you could imagine.
I couldn’t be happier.
For months, my boyfriend and I had been talking about getting another cat. We acquired our first, an 11-year-old shorthair tuxedo cat named Sophie from my parents’ house in New Hampshire. While it’s been so lovely having a cat that I grew up with here in my new home, we couldn’t help but daydream about our little family expanding.
Despite spending months going back and forth about how expensive it is to get a new pet, wondering if we really had enough space for two of them to live happily and getting caught up in day-to-day life, we finally arrived at the Rutland County Humane Society on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020.
After visiting with the first room of cats and deciding that none of them really vibed with us, we moved on to the second room slightly disheartened. However, the second that I saw my boyfriend getting nuzzled by the sweetest looking orange mainecoon cat I ever have seen, I was sold.
Nothing was going to stop us from bringing him home.
The staff at the humane society were incredibly kind and helpful, and let us know everything they could about our fuzzy friend. We learned that he is three years old (which meant his adoption fee was only $85!), that he was neutered and microchipped by the humane society and that his name at the time was Oscar. After getting in touch with our landlord to verify that he approved of our pet, we were offered a cardboard carrier, his paperwork, a collar and we were headed home.
Shortly after getting home, we re-named him Darcy. Our dear Sophie hid under the bed for the first two days that Darcy was here with us, but the two have since gotten comfortable enough with each other to sleep in the same room.
With sunbeams shining through the window and a new source of love and happiness in my life, I want to encourage any off-campus student who has the means to consider adopting their next pet from the RCHS. There are so many loving animals that are looking for homes, and the cost per animal is far lower than anything you may find through a private seller.
You can visit the RCHS at 765 Stevens Road, Pittsford, VT 05763, Tuesday through Saturday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. or online at