Fresh Perspective
Move-in day for freshmen was a very unique, overwhelming experience. A variety of emotions arose inside of me. Coming from Georgia, I was completely alone, knowing nobody aside from those I’ve met at registration. I couldn’t help but have the sinking question, “How am I going to fit in?” This question became easier to answer as my time here went on.
Orientation weekend was a struggle for me, as I am naturally shy. Things took a turn for the better at the dinner at the President’s house when I randomly went up to two people and introduced myself. This is not a normal thing for me, but it turned out to be the reason why I am enjoying myself here.
The friends I made at that dinner are the ones who introduced me to the group of friends I have now, and I realize that’s all it takes. The sinking question about how you’ll fit in, or if you’ll make friends can truly be answered with one introduction.
The college anxiety of starting new classes and meeting new people drifted away as I started to meet people who I click well with. When I first came here, I was excited for classes to start, and was even excited to find an excuse to sit in my dorm doing homework. I thought that would be the only part of college. I’m glad to say, I was wrong. Now, I’m excited to have free time to spend with the people that make me happy. I’m excited to do new things with the friends I have made.
What I’m trying to say, is life here is what you make of it. If I’d never introduced myself at the dinner, I may be alone in my dorm more often, and I would definitely feel a lot lonelier. You can choose to have a positive attitude, and try to make life here positive, or you can choose to focus on the down-sides of college, and let it ruin your time.
The fact is, college isn’t perfect, but it’s not as bad as I first thought. Money is hard here, the daily 8 a.m.’s are dreadful and the days where you don’t end class until after 5 p.m. aren’t any better. Feeling lost and confused and always having to ask questions that seem obvious is another challenge. However, if you weigh those with the newly found freedom you earn here and the social perks of living on-campus, college isn’t so bad.