SGA finishes projects for the year
The countdown continues as the end of the academic year approaches. As has been the tendency with the 2013-2014 Student Government Association, progress is inevitable.
Even as the transition from one SGA to another, marked by the recent elections, the officers and delegates of the association have remained focused and determined.
In their last three meetings, many measures have been approved, projects funded, and student groups supported.
Delegate Jake Grinbergs has headed one of those projects-that of procuring a hot tub for public and student use in the pool area.
“I really like how you just took charge and got this done,” said SGA President Timothy Mackintosh.
Other delegate projects have included the ongoing fitness challenge posed by secretary Colleen Kunz and delegate Tara Dee.
“We were just talking and it seemed like a good way to promote health on campus especially with spring coming,” said Kunz.
Dee and Kunz both said that up to this point, the challenge has been successful and that they’ve been able to give a lot of prizes to their participants.
The SGA approved $14,000 for a new carpet in the Fine Arts Center lobby and in addition, $2,414 towards the Women’s Rugby Club for a referee and an ambulance for Scorpion Bowl.
Delegate Catie Wielgasz expressed excitement after attending the Faculty Assembly meeting where it was announced that Castleton would be welcoming new majors and concentrations.
“They are adding some really great stuff like a chemistry concentration, a new education licensure and one in behavioral analysis,” said Wielgasz.
In other news:
*Mackintosh was voted into the position of Senior Class Treasurer.
*The annual Awards Ceremony will be held this year on May 7 in the Fine Arts Center from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m.
*The SGA unanimously approved $300 for the Right To Play group to buy t-shirts.
*A project idea to bring students savings at local businesses has reached a dead end after delegate Dee said, “The project has been attempted before and there is a website. Unfortunately, it is out of date and inaccurate, so there isn’t much else to do.”
*Election results will be in with the next issue of the Spartan.
*Spring Week will culminate in a day of fun and food on May 3.
SGA meetings are held in the SGA office on the ground floor of the Campus Center on Tuesdays at 5 p.m.. Students, faculty and community members are encouraged to attend.