Spice up spring and clean out abandoned clothing
While the ice still adorns most of the ground and what isn’t covered in ice has a thick blanket of snow (is it spring yet?) on top of the still-dead grass. Sorry everyone, it’s not sandal or flip-flop weather just yet. Keep on praying to the nature gods because I think just about everyone is in need of a little sunshine and warmer weather.
The old saying, in like a lion out like a lamb, has been proving true to March’s nature. One day it is 45 degrees with blue skies and sunshine a-plenty, then the next day it’s a blizzard dumping three feet of snow. While Mother Nature figures herself out, this could be a good time to do some spring cleaning!
There’s nothing more satisfying than being able to see the floor of your room and closet again. There’s a rug under that pile of shirts? Who knew? Spring is a good time of the year to figure out what fits you, what doesn’t, what you actually do wear and what you don’t.
I’m not sure about you guys, but I get emotionally attached to my clothes. I feel bad that I’ve neglected a piece of my wardrobe if I haven’t worn it in a while. I wouldn’t call myself a hoarder, but I’m not a fan of throwing things away. Especially my clothing. That said, when you’re mentally prepared to part with your possessions, spring is the time of year to shed those extra layers.
Start with the clothing items you know you wear and make a pile. Do it neatly, however, because if you don’t, that’ll just be one extra step you have to take when putting everything back.
One sure way to know if you don’t need to have something in your closet anymore, is if you forgot about it. Chances are if you forgot you even owned it, you won’t miss it once it’s gone. Put all those items in a separate pile. Or even a garbage bag. Out of sight, out of mind! Do the same thing with your shoes and accessories. If you’re feeling even more ambitious, separate your clothes into seasons; summer, spring, autumn and winter. It will be easier to sort and organize your closet and storage systems if you know what clothes are where. Many people don’t believe this saying, clean room clean mind, but trust me, it’s true. Whenever my room looks like a bomb went off (it happens more often than not), it is so satisfying to see the floor again.
And the best part of spring cleaning? Once you throw away or donate the clothes you don’t wear, you now have an excuse to go buy some new ones.