What to do about mass e-mails
Has it ever annoyed you when you’ve gone into your Castleton State College email and found bountiful amounts of clutter, most of which has nothing to do with you in your Inbox?
Many Castleton students say it sure has bothered them.
“I find it to be a little annoying,” said Zach Currier when asked about mass emails. “I know a lot of emails are important to the students and teachers, but I would say about 90 percent of the time they don’t relate to me.”
And Currier isn’t alone.
“I don’t like them, because if there is a very important email, it just gets lost in all the clutter,” said Eric Barker-Rowe, an alumnus of CSC who was responding to the same question. “Many of the things that are sent out could be sent out in a single email.”
Barker-Rowe said he believes emails can be condensed into one message such as the ‘Today at Castleton‘ or the ‘This Week at a Glance’ email.
Whether it’s a message from someone about some club or job possibilities not related to the recipient’s major, students say it can become extremely annoying to have to go through so much effort to find something that’s actually important or useful to them.
“I feel less inclined to use my email. There’s just so many things to go through, and I never feel like having to delete so many emails in search of important ones. I would rather just use another account,” said Barker-Rowe.
Not all students struggle or feel as strongly about the email issue though.
“I’m really good about keeping it cleaned out, I go through it daily,” Currier said.
So what is the college going to do about it?
Jonathan Czar, head of IT services for CSC, said help is on the way.
“There is a group that is looking at the way that mass emails are done, and whether or not there are any changes … basically evaluating different ideas to possibly change and limit the number of mass emails that are happening,” Czar said.
Officials in the communication office on the second floor of Woodruff Hall said help may be on the way.
“Yes we do have a plan for improving the internal communication processes on campus,” said Colleen Klatt, part of the marketing communication team. “We have developed an integrated communication plan that will assist with internal and external communication. The plan has been approved by the cabinet, and we anticipate that some of the details will be released in April. We’re in the process of building the infrastructure to allow some of the different features and functions for people, the way we envision it.”