Club searches for sasquatch and funds

On acold January evening when you were bundled up cozy and warm, two Castleton StateCollegestudents werewalking through the woods of Hubbardton looking and listening for signs that will point them to the legendary Sasquatch.
Zachary Davidson and Andrew Nevins have formed a Sasquatch Club on campus and are hell bent on finding the elusive critter.
Davidson,presidentofthe club, and Vice President Nevins, believe Sasquatch was in Hubbardton before the TV show “Finding Bigfoot” came to Castleton’s backyard this past semester.
“We started this club because we are excited about challenging the myth,” Davidson said.
The college’sStudent Government Associationrecently approved the Sasquatch Club and is currently deciding if they will approve $250 toward t-shirts for club members.
Freshman Tyler Smith has allowed the club to do some excursions on his property in Hubbardton. He admits to sometimes not being prepared for what they find.
“It’s a lot of fun, but kind of scary and dark,” said Smith. “We once saw a couple of tracks and when we got back to the cars there was a large handprint on a car window.”
Bo McDougall,advisor of the club and head coach of the lacrosse team and assistant coach of the football team, says he is there to give them guidance.
“My goal is to shed light on the local folklore,” he said.
McDougall also said that the club does research to help them to better understand and how to track Bigfoot.
So far, club members saythey only use flashlights for their adventures, buthopeto eventually get recording devices to hear the calls and hand held video cameras to document their adventures.
Despite being a new club, it already has about 25 members.
“I was actually surprised,” Smith said. “We had a good amount of people who have joined and who want to join.”
Among the members area certified EMT, a firefighter and an Army soldier.
Though the club has been out on a handful of excursions and has found little evidence that Bigfoot does reside in the Hubbardton area, members have high hopes that the creature is among us and hope to find him.
“He’s out there somewhere, ” Nevins said. “We just have to keep looking.”