Pub Night returns



The Spartan room in Huden Dining Hall usually only comes alive during hectic lunch hours, but starting in two weeks it will thrive for a whole different reason. The room will once again be hosting Pub Night, a weekly event starting the evening of Oct. 5 in part as an outlet for people showcase their talents.

“The idea of pub night grew out of a sociology class. Pub Night is supposed to symbolize the third place in society. The third place is a place in a community where you can experience community, where everyone can go and feel comfortable. Pubs were the original third place in society and there wasn’t anything like that at Castleton,” sociology professor and head coordinator of Pub Night, Philip Lamy explained.

Student Jon White, one of the three main organizers of the revived pub night, said he’s really psyched to be bringing it back.

“Pub night in itself is a project we’re working on to bring students, faculty and community members together. We want people to have a safe environment to play music,” White said. He is one of the three main people working Pub Nights.

Lamy also made it very clear that Pub Night is not just for musicians. He said there have been other themed events at pub night, including stand-up comedians, the cabaret put on by the theatre department and dances. 

“There will be comment cards available the first night so people can write down what they would like to see this year at Pub Night,” White said.

Both White and Lamy confirmed that it costs about $150 to host a single pub night. They said that increased attendance will be a positive way to make sure this event will be able to continue. Lamy also mentioned that different campus clubs and organizations have used Pub Night as a way to promote themselves and engage in fundraising activities.

For students who have never been to a Pub Night event, Communication Professor and performer Robert Wuagneux says “it’s a great way to see rising talent as well as take a break from studying and get together with friends.”

Wuagneux also talked about what it is like to perform at one of these events.

“I love playing for people; it’s all about communication and giving the crowd a pleasurable experience. I enjoy playing songs they can sing along to,” he said.

Student Jordan Cottrell, an avid Pub Night attendee, loves that professors interact with their students during this event.

“It’s really great to see faculty and students interacting and having fun outside the classroom. Pub Night is a really great thing we have on campus, I just wish that more people would recognize it,” he said.

Alcohol is served at pub nights for those who are of legal age.

“It’s a safe place to drink alcohol, an alternative for people who don’t want to get loaded at The Dog. Most students will drink responsibly if given a place to do so,” Lamy said.

Lamy said he will be pitching the idea of a permanent ‘third place’ on campus.

“There are preparations for a new food service company and I will be pushing for a real nice hangout place where everyone would like to go,” he said.

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