What school store?
It’s like a college students dream. Pizza, ice cream, soda, cough drops, batteries and even condoms – all now for sale right on campus –...
Vandals trash Castleton Hall
On one brisk October morning, I was walking back from Fireside to the back of Castleton Hall, taking my usual route to that stairwell. I...
Pub Night is now an accepted event
Typical behavior for Castleton State College students on Thursday nights seems to be changing these days from being regulars at the local bar “The Dog”...
Nursing students inspired
The Castleton State College Nursing department took learning out of the classroom and off campus for a trip to the Shriners Hospital for Children in...
Nursing department to expand offerings
The Nursing Department at Castleton State College has been having a bachelor party of a different kind, a bachelor’s degree party that is.Saturday, Oct. 24...
CSC has its own Miss VT
Castleton State College has been in the press a lot lately with its new football team and new Campus Center. But now it’s home to...
Bowling, wings, cheap beer, and a sober ride
Castleton State College student Jillian Gee stumbled a bit, trying to steady the 15-pound ball she held with three fingers. She shut one eye with...
Pitts to speak at CSC
CBS News and 60 Minutes correspondent Byron Pitts will visit Castleton State College on Nov. 30 and speak to students in the Fine Arts Center...
Boozin’ at CSC
Drinking is something that is always talked about on college campuses. Castleton has had its fair share of publicity about drinking this year, with the...
The column of the CSC Philosophy Club
We printed some responses to our previous question, “Should we guarantee health care for all our citizens?,” in the last issue. Here are some more...