Is it what I’m wearing?

She tipped back the whiskey from her beaten-down green water bottle and then tuned back to the conversation she was having with her friend.

            A random college boy came up to her and ripped her gray low cut shirt off at his convenience. Her mouth hung open in surprise as she gained her composure and adjusted her shirt.

            Her low cut shirt wasn’t an invitation for his vulgar behavior. As if this situation didn’t already leave her feeling cheap, the night before she was groped unwillingly.

            Women have been depicted to dress and act prim and proper. The dress codes that females spent their whole life slaving to are irrelevant in college, which is exciting when you’ve spent countless years wearing shirts that go up to your neck and skirts that rest past your knees.

            I had a conversation with your typical “college boy” and the ignorant and disgusting words he was spewing toward females and what they choose to put on their bodies was completely and utterly ridiculous.

            In his perspective if a female dresses “scandalous” then it’s an open invitation for a guy to touch her inappropriately. After his uneducated ramble, I looked him in the face and asked one simple question.

            “So If I was raped because I chose to dress a certain way then that’s my fault?”

            His answer sends chills down my spine.

“Yes,” he replied.

            Well in my perspective I don’t know how any sane human being can lack such empathy when it comes to sexual assault/rape. The way a women dresses is NOT an excuse or an invitation to touch her.

            We need to stop assuming how many partners a woman has had or how promiscuous she is based on how she dresses.

            Senior Catherine Twing has had experiences with her attire and how males have treated her.

            “It is possible that they are taking the way you are dressed as an indication that you are looking for something, but it doesn’t give them the right to just touch you," she said, "I also had an experience where I was wearing a sweater, jeans, and a scarf and a guy tried putting his hand up my shirt. So it doesn’t all depend on what you wear."

            Junior Emily Clark also shared her experiences.

            “I’ve worn leggings and jeans and had guys grope me. I’ve been to clubs and concerts and had guys grab my ass and then start snickering,” Clark said.

            From a woman’s perspective, this type of behavior from males is unsettling. We shouldn’t have to avoid wearing that short dress or the top that shows off our cleavage because it might provoke guys.

            I should be able to go out on the weekends and drink with my girlfriends without someone touching me without my consent.

            Maybe boys will just keep being boys but I refuse to shelter my body and myself because it might “provoke them.” I hope we see a change in how women are treated no matter what they’re wearing.



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