Students search campus for Sparty doll for prizes

Move out of the way “Where’s Waldo?” and make room for Castleton State College’s “Where’s Sparty?” CSC prepared for the 2013 Homecoming and Family Weekend by creating a campus wide scavenger hunt. Each day consisted of lucky hunters winning a CSC themed prize or reward.
From Oct. 14 to Oct. 18, CSC’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram had clues posted about where the Sparty bobble heads had been hidden.  From the library to Spartan monument, no location has been safe from Sparty the bobble head or those on the hunt for him.
“We all thought it would be a great way to get pumped up for homecoming,” said Homecoming Committee member and College Advancement Office intern Martina Marchese.   By using the social media outlets more students were reached, and the result was very promising.
“Students have found Sparty within three to five minutes. This morning someone was seen sprinting to find the bobble head,” said Courtney Parker, another member of the Homecoming Committee. “Everyone thinks it went really well. Lots of social buzz and free prizes.”
Pursuers were given a riddle and a photo of Sparty in its new daily location, but those few details didn’t stop students from hunting down their prey.  The winners were Kelsey Thompson, Jaren Carpenter, Colleen Kunz, Brendan Curtis and Josh Budzinski.
“It wasn’t hard. It was interesting how no one pays attention to it. Like when I walked in the Coffee Cottage there was tons of people and they were clueless of the Sparty standing there. Then I went to claim my prize and it was exciting,” said Kunz, the winner of a Spartan water bottle.
Although many did not participate in the hunt, several were at least were aware of what was going on.
“I only heard people talking about it through Facebook. Why not give people something to do and create some school spirit,” said senior Ali Spencer.

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