A trip with Satan
My final day as a regional representative was one of the longest days I’ve ever had to endure and also one of the scariest. It...
Can’t wait to get home
Salvation is almost here. It is the last week of my 10-week travel season and I’m ready to put the road behind me. The last...
Lost in PA with no GPS
Pennsylvania: home of the cheese steak, the Amish, and the FBI’s most wanted killer, Eric Frein. Driving along those long highways through Pennsylvania, there are...
Staying in your backyard fences you in
ldquo;Vermont, that’s a state right?” A young man asks at a college fair in Harford County Maryland. I pull out Castleton’s map and show the...
Finding friends on the road
Arrival time for college fair: 30 minutes early. I unpack my suitcase and set up my booth, when a woman from the booth next to...
The farming dean
At 5:30 a.m. the rooster isn’t even up yet. Most of Castleton is sound asleep while Maurice Ouimet, Castleton’s dean of enrollment, is just getting...
Q&A: Mike Shalgeniwicz lands job
Michael Shalgeniwicz walks through the halls of Mountain View Center in Rutland. Bright green scrubs mirror the energy Shalgeniwicz brings to the old folks home....
Eder links athletics to admissions
Castleton Ski Coach Chris Eder sits at his new desk in the athletic complex, proud to be the new admission-athletics liaison. While in deep conversation...