Gender inclusive housing option to be expanded
A student exits Ellis Hall where gender inclusive housing was a success in the 2016-17 test year. Photo by Aaron Lethbridge After a successful trial...
One last show
Alexa Fryover and Erica James perform in Stop Kiss, directed by Dalton-Jesse Cummins, as their senior show. Photo by Makenzie Robichaud In March of 2014...
Thanks for the memories
So this is real. We’re actually graduating. It’s no longer the first day of freshman year when we felt like we had so much time...
Electricity reduction competition a success
If you entered residence halls during the week of April 17, you likely walked into a dark lobby, dark hallway and even dark bathroom. No,...
Castleton to expand gender inclusive housing options
A student exits Ellis Hall. The first floor of Ellis offered gender inclusive rooms this year, and starting in the fall, rooms in Babcock, Hoff...
Bring on the weird
A member of Okilly Dokilly, a Ned Flanders themed metal band performed in Worcester, Massachusetts as part of the Mockstrocity Tour 2017 along with Metalachi...
A chance to be themselves
Students in Andy Weinberg's Adaptive Physical Education class work with community members and local students with developmental disabilities. Photo by Martin VanBuren Sixteen-year-old Joan burst...
Forum held to discuss presidential search
Faculty, staff,alumni and students gathered in the 1787 Room for the community forum, led by VSC Chancellor Jeb Spaulding, to discuss the choosing of Castleton's...
Students say what they want in next president
Since Castleton University President Dave Wolk made the announcement on March 8 that he will be leaving Castleton University in December, many have pondered who...
Wolk announces plan to leave Castleton in December
Archived photo of Wolk at a convocation ceremony in 2015. After 16 years as President of Castleton University, Dave Wolk will leave in December to...