Drip or drown – Judging the outfits on the VTSU Castleton campus

Drip or Drown?
You think you got drip? If so, this blog is determined to test that theory by critiquing fits all around VTSU Castleton to see if you are really dripping or in fact drowning.
In this week’s addition of Drip or Drown, we have VTSU Castleton student Carly Centeno.
It was a regular sunny day with a cool breeze, and I was just walking around campus thinking of where my next daily cyph was going to be, when I ran into Mrs. Centeno who was also looking to cyph.
We proceeded to partake and while cyphing we got talking about our next blog ideas. Halfway through the cyph, thoroughly sauteed, I asked her if she was down to be in this week’s edition because earlier in the cyph she said she thought she was “stepping” in her fit.
Carly was wearing a red and white Bear sweater vest that she gotten thrifting in Sweden due to her love for thrifting, along with a white button up she had gotten off Shein, some blue jeans, and a pair of Doc Martin boots “with the fur,” she pointed out.
The fit was inspired by her boyfriend, who had picked out the fit for her. She liked his European taste and she was trying to match with her effective speaking teacher Burnham Holmes, who is to the left of Carly in the picture.
While hitting the spliff and baked like an easy bake oven, I asked Centeno how her fit made her feel? She said, “really professional but also a little nerdy.” She said she tries to dress like she is dressing to get ready for her career further down the line.
Centeno thought the only thing missing from the fit was some glasses that would have really completed the nerdy/professional look.
Even though Centeno did not pick out the fit, she still thought she was dripping because she wore that to give a presentation about fashion and you can’t give a fashion presentation and not represent – or so I hear.
Rating: 8/10. Carly ate that fit up, but she left some crumbs I must say. Because while you can’t go wrong with the where’s Waldo red and white combo and the fit was clean, the fit could have used some accessories that would have completed the look and enhanced the style, like a nice necklace and some glasses. But the fit was still fitting, so she is dripping while keeping it very demure, very presentable, very professional.