The man behind CastleTalk: Jacob Gonzalez
Spartan reporter Wyatt Jackson sat down with CastleTalk creator Jacob Gonzalez to discuss his Instagram segments that have been a hit with students. The show, which was developed in Professor Dave Blow’s “Journalism: Pages and Post” course, has become a staple of the Castleton Spartan.
Q: What inspired you to present CastleTalk?
A: Honestly, I’m not sure what inspired me. Dave pretty much presented the assignment to us as a class, but I didn’t know where to go with it. The first thing that popped into my head was to go out and interview different people, spreading my energy and positivity toward other people hoping they would reciprocate that back if I asked them good enough questions. I figured it would be fun for me because I love making videos, entertaining people and making people happy.
Q: What’s your favorite part of doing CastleTalk?
A: The diversity of answers I get each week. Even though I’ve asked people similar questions each week, I always get a variety of different answers. Some are crazy, some are things I’d never heard of before, but the biggest thing is there’s so much variety in the answers I do get.
Q: What’s your biggest fear?
A: Failing at life. If I’m not successful or I’m not the best in my field, then it doesn’t meet my standards. I need to perform the best because I’m a perfectionist, so failing scares me most because I want to be the best at whatever I do. I figured why not be a winner in life because failing just makes me feel less than!
Q: Would you rather be an expert at one thing or good at many things?
A: Good at many because it allows you to be a more diverse person. It allows you to have multiple different skills that you may not think you need but having them definitely gives you the ability to do more than others. It’s important to be good at many things in case that one thing you’re great at fails — you won’t have anything to fall back on.
Q: Who’s your celebrity crush?
A: Kylie Jenner is a fine individual who should be respected as such!
Q: What’s your love language?
A: Loyalty and honesty, because if you can’t be honest with me, then you’re dead to me. Trust is big for me because why would I want to be with you if I can’t trust you. If you’re not bought into the person you’re with, then the relationship is basically irrelevant. I have trust issues from past experiences, so if I can trust you then you’ve got a special place in my heart because I don’t willingly trust people.
Q: Would you rather be invisible or read minds?
A: Be invisible, because sometimes I want to escape reality and look at the world from the outside looking in. Sometimes I actually feel invisible in this world today, so I’d be curious to know how it felt.
Q: Better show: “Drake & Josh” or “Victorious?”
A: “Victorious” was a great show, but “Drake & Josh” is G.O.A.T. because it gave me a nostalgic feeling every time I watched it. The feeling I (have) watching “Drake & Josh” doesn’t compare to “Victorious.” I can recite lines from multiple episodes. Plus I still keep up with Josh Peck till this day, following him on Instagram and I keep up with his YouTube videos.
Q: Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or live to 100 with a lot of regrets?
A: Die in 20 years because the more I learn about the world the more I realize you have more regret as time passes. I believe the world forces you to have regrets because it makes you somebody that you may not wanna be. I feel like the world in general is placed against (you) no matter where you come from. There will always be moments in your life where you feel behind.
Q: If you could give a big shout-out to anybody other than yourself for the success that CastleTalk has had, who would it be?
A: Quinten Asiedu because if it wasn’t for him, CastleTalk wouldn’t be a thing. He’s been my camera for most of the episodes (in the first season). He’s literally been doing as he’s told since day one and has done a great job filming for CastleTalk. I haven’t given him a shoutout or any support during my videos. But he knows I appreciate him because he goes out of his way, taking time out of his day to make CastleTalk videos.