Castleton ’Fit Check: Pearl Bellomo
In this series, Lily Doton seeks out fashionable students on campus and asks them for all the details of their outfits. This issue’s edition features first-year Pearl Bellomo, who’s inspired by “throwback styles” from the ‘90s.
Q. Can you tell me what you’re wearing today?
A. Yes, I am wearing this blazer I got probably three years ago at Maurices. This tank top and these jeans are newly from TJ Maxx. I’m actually obsessed with halter-neck tank tops, I literally wear them under everything, basically every day. And these are my Vans I got over the summer. My belt’s also from TJ Maxx, I think. My mother got me this necklace, it’s a compass, on I think, like, Ebay or something. And then I matched it with these earrings she gave me, they’re also blue, and I did my eyeliner blue too.
Q. How would you describe your sense of style?
A. I think it really changes day to day. I just kind of wake up in the morning and I’m like, ‘what do I feel like today?’… So usually, every day I kind of just pick a certain piece, or a certain color, or just a vibe I’m going for, and then I’ll just kind of base it around that. I don’t really like my outfits to be too loud. So, I usually just, like I said, either focus on the top or the bottom or jacket or shoes or whatever. Or even my makeup, like if I want to do a makeup look, I’ll like just frame the rest of my outfit around it… So yeah, I just say like, simple, put-together and cohesive. I really like things to be, like, color coordinated and the same color palette and stuff.
Q. What kind of vibe or aesthetic do you normally lean toward?
A. Probably more throwback styles than super modern. I really like, like, jean jackets and probably things like pulled from the ’90s, 2000s. I also have a lot of pieces handed down from my mom, because I don’t really like to buy too many clothes if not necessary. So, a lot of the things I style are restyled from when I bought them, like, junior year of high school or from my mom, friends. I’ll just kind of make do with whatever is given to me.
Q. Do you have a favorite article of clothing? What is it?
A. My favorite article of clothing is a black button-up my mom gave to me, like, three months ago. I just put it over any outfit, and I instantly feel put-together. It’s warm, but like, it’s not too hot. It’s really good quality material and it just never fails on me.
Q. Where are your favorite places to shop?
A. I don’t really shop too much, other than just our local TJ Maxx because that’s all we have. I also like Urban Outfitters, and like I said, just hand me downs, thrifting, stuff like that.
Q. What’s the most recent article of clothing you bought or received?
A. I have this taupe-colored sweater vest that I got from TJ Maxx, and I really love it because it just gives me, like, ’90s boyband vibe. I put a white tee underneath it and, like, black skinnies or ripped jeans and I just love it.
Q. What’s a piece of fashion advice you swear by?
A. The color wheel, just making sure, like, if it’s warm tone, making sure all those tones go together, like, matching things with the colors that look good on you. That’s my advice.