Friends in the Cottage
A pulse lies in the heart of the Castleton Campus, a landmark that offers a rather caffeinated experience.
“It’s almost like you’re going to your neighbor’s house,” said Sky Twigg, a friend behind the counter of the Coffee Cottage.
Upon arrival, the gracious scent of crisp bacon finds its way through the robust smell of what’s in the name.
Breakfast sandwiches, like an egg and cheese on a plain bagel, end up wrapped in aluminum foil, carefully placed into a cardboard basket and eventually into the hands of Teresa Felix to hand to the customer.
Her favorite thing about her job?
“The students,” she said without hesitation.
Her co-worker, Amanda Rollins shares a similar interest.
“It’s having those regular customers…that personal connection – you can feel the happiness coming off of them just because you know who they are.”
“Egg and cheese!” they say through a smile.
A phrase like this is often heard flying through the sounds of students rushing through the door and crowding the house like it’s a Saturday night, but this place smells significantly better.
“Our biggest pushes are between classes,” Felix said.
And it makes sense, because of the convenient location on campus. Huden and Fireside live near the dorms, but the Coffee Cottage is conveniently stationed near classrooms.
“Cottage” speaks to its architecture, and their extended wooden ramp is hard to miss if you’re walking to class.
This warm environment isn’t just for coffee drinkers. A variety of deli sandwiches are available for a bite later in the day, and an assortment of tea, soft drinks and juices are good for a grab and go from the fridge.
Students can use their flex points here, too.
“At least in here you know that the food is real,” said the third-year student, Amelia —.
Customers know it’s real because they get front row seats to the play, and in this act the stage is a griddle, and the dance is the eggs.
Behind every great play is a great director, and luckily the Coffee Cottage has three.
“Yeah, the girls are awesome,” Amelia said.
“You’re welcome, hun,” Felix said after handing off some aluminum wrapped goodness.
Friendliness isn’t a foreign feeling in the Coffee Cottage and Sky’slast name favorite aspect of her job is, “the vibe”
“Everyone is just so happy and chill when they come in,” she said.
When the Cottage isn’t housing a rush of students, its ambience is rather “Homey,” said Alyssa Crean, immediately after finishing a conversation with Amandalast name.
“The best place on campus,” she said.