Q + A with SGA president Pat Lucey
A. Major goals that I have for SGA this season include fully representing the student body here at Castleton. What I mean by this is to have the students’ best interests in mind. SGA will achieve this goal by continuing to take student input and doing what we can to make our Castleton family has the best experience they can in their four years here at Castleton.
Q. What do you most want students to know about SGA?
A. I want my fellow peers to know that SGA is more than an association. We are students just like everyone else and only want what’s best for the entire study body. I think some people get the wrong impression of groups when words such as “Organization” or “Association” is at the end of it, but I can assure you it is much more. It feels like a professional sports team with no cap limit, the more the merrier!
Q. What obstacles are you concerned about governing during a pandemic?
A. The obstacles I am concerned about during the pandemic are students not getting the social interaction they need. I worry students may stay in their rooms and not do things they normally would on a Friday evening after classes. It is hard with a mask mandate and a social distancing rule to truly socialize with your friends. It’s one thing I wish I could change but cannot.
I’m also concerned about additional obstacles that include not being able to meet as SGA for the semester, to really dive into on-campus politics as most of us are at home, working from the computer. I believe much better work would be produced on campus, as that is the environment we are trying to change for the better.
Q. What CAB events are you looking forward to the most this semester and why?
A. I’m most certainly looking forward to painting with a twist because I know a lot of people enjoy them. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend as I am remote for my last semester at Castleton.
Q. How can students get involved and heard by their student government?
A. Students can get involved by applying to join student government. We are always looking for new members to join this special group! No previous experience is needed, and we welcome anyone from all walks of life. Students can be heard by student government by simply emailing me or anyone else in student government, we listen, and we enjoy fulfilling the needs of the students to the best of our abilities.