Castleton is looking for community advisors

CA KC Ambrose on a round during duty.
Castleton University community advisors play a special leadership role among students on campus. Now it’s that time of year again as the next generation of CA’s will be selected as the application process is underway.
Area Coordinator Cora Churchill has a huge part in developing the process through recruitment and selection.
Churchill said she wants it to be clear that she doesn’t look for any particular type of people for the position.
“We look at each applicant individually and see what they offer in terms of what their passions are, what they’re involved in, their academic majors, hobbies, etc.,” she said.
At the end of the day, the university wants to see a wide variety of leaders within residence life, she said.
“Our ultimate goal is to hire a diverse staff that on-campus students feel represent them, and that they feel they can relate to,” Churchill said.
Current CA’s say the life of a dorm leader can be a busy one, but it offers so much in the long run.
KC Ambrose, a third-year CA, has had her fair share of the job’s experience.
“A typical duty night starts at 7 p.m. when you call in to your AC’s office and then go on rounds every so often to make sure everything in the building is okay and to check in on residents to see if they need anything. You get off at 12 a.m. on weekdays and on passive, which means you stay in your room in case anyone needs anything until 8 a.m. One thing is, you’re never really off duty; you’re always being that person who leads by example,” Ambrose said.
Ambrose is just one of many whose lives have been improved from her experiences with the job.
“It’s really helped me grow, as not only a person, but as a leader. I’ve become someone who can manage his or her time, while being available for others with advice. I’m a listener,” she said.
Fellow CA Abby Gray also has experienced a personal change from lessons learned on the job.
“I was extremely nervous and shy when I first applied to be a CA. Because I was a freshman, I thought I was going to be too young for anyone to really listen to me, but the position has given me the confidence and ability to help people and really make an impact,” Gray said with a smile.
Churchill talks about the impact of getting to know people during application time to then watching them walk the stage at graduation.
“Each CA leaves the position having taken something different away from it, so it can be difficult to generalize. The point is, no CA leaves the job empty handed,” said Churchill with a proud grin. “My job is the best because I help students empower other students to be their best every day.”
Ambrose and Gray wanted to leave those applying with the same exact advice.
“Just be yourself!” they said.
CA applications will be open until 12 p.m. on Feb. 22. Following this will be the mandatory Group Process and Interview Day on March 9.