Bernie coming to CU to unveil free tuition plan

Bernie Sanders visited Castleton back in 2014 and is now scheduled to return this October. Courtesy Photo.
Get ready to feel the Bern again on Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. in Castleton University’s Glenbrook Gymnasium.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is coming to campus to propose his plan for a legislation that would give free tuition to all students who go to any public college or university in the country, Dean of Advancement Jeff Weld said in an interview on Friday.
The event will be open to all and it will be live-streamed at other colleges and universities during hundreds of rallies across the country, Weld said.
When asked why Castleton was chosen for this event, Weld said Sanders wanted to make the announcement at a Vermont college.
“Castleton is one of the most affected [colleges],” Weld said.
Castleton University is a public university so it would be one of the universities students could attend for free.
Two seniors at Castleton, Zach Hampl and Cam Merrone, who were asked for their thoughts about Sanders coming to campus, said they’re excited but not surprised he was coming to Castleton.
Hampl said he believes Sanders is popular in Castleton so it makes sense that Castleton University was chosen as the location for this proposal.
And both agreed that this legislation will be great for colleges and universities.
“It will promote more kids to go to college,” Merrone said.
Hampl said that he thinks free tuition is a great idea as well, but he has his concerns.
“There will need to be an individualization of the plan state to state,” Hampl said.
This is one of many challenges that Hampl believes will need to be addressed with this legislation.
Pertaining to Sander’s initiative Merrone said, “I think it will be a good thing for people to hear.”
Efforts to get comments from Sanders’ office regarding the visit were unsuccessful.