PAC survey enlightens
“If you say nothing you help him. If you say something you help her.” This is a line that resonated in the minds of first-year students and athletes after attending PAC’s latest presentation.
As with every time this emotionally charged presentation is held, some students felt uncomfortable and others even accused. A survey was sent to students in all different years at Castleton with some thought provoking questions to see how students felt about the presentation and PAC itself.
The questions in the survey included: “Are you aware of the group PAC on campus?” “What is your view of the group?” “Do you think PAC, or a group like it, is necessary on campus?” “Do you believe PAC when they say they do not male bash?” “If you are a female how does PAC make you feel?” “If you are a male how does PAC make you feel?” “Do you believe PAC is successful at the views it tries to portray and that they are successful in making campus a welcoming, safe community?” Participants were also given a chance to add anything else they wanted.
The first important detail to note was that every participant was aware of the group PAC on campus. From there, opinions became a bit more varied.
A female participant wrote, “While I understand PAC was created with the intention of spreading awareness to prevent crime/issues, in my own experience, members of PAC use the group to push their own agenda. I have heard a lot of anger and hatred for men in particular.”
This seems to be an opinion shared by many in the campus community.
When it came to the question “Do you believe PAC when they say they do not male bash,” 60 percent of the survey participants said they did not believe it.
An individual who identifies as gender fluid said, “I have never seen a scenario played out in one of their presentations where a male is a victim. Men have always been the attacker, and during their presentations, men were only there to read facts and say that ‘PAC is not about bashing men.’ Sure there are male members of the organization, but that does not mean that there is no male bashing going on.”
A female respondent agreed,
“I have heard members of PAC bashing males. While they may not be in a group presentation, as a member they do represent the group.”
While there are negative views, individuals do appreciate the work PAC does.
One female individual said, “Not only is it good for people who have experienced it [sexual assault], but it creates awareness on campus of these kinds of issues.”
When female participants were asked how PAC makes them feel, five out of the nine answered positively.
Echoing what most of the positive responses said, a female participant wrote, “It makes me feel that if something is to happen then there will be people there to talk to and support me.”