Preparing for pop and circumstance

The seniors took another step toward graduation at the Career Fair Thursday in Glenbrook gymnasium. Caps, gowns, commencement tickets, class rings and personalized announcements were all being snatched up by eager, soon-to-be graduates.

The seniors walked down a line and went table by table to order their graduation necessities.  

Michelle Hoffman and Kali Lapan were holding their commencement tickets once they got to the end of the line, and had signed up to get personal announcements as well.

They both found the event very useful.

“It’s really organized,” said Hoffman.

“They were really helpful,” Lapan added.

Patrick Gadwah left the line looking a bit overwhelmed.

“I signed up for the raffles and I got my tickets … I’m pretty nervous. This calmed my nerves a little, but overall I’m still nervous,” he said.

Samantha Clift ordered her cap and gown there, as well as her tickets.

“It definitely seems more real now, that’s for sure,” she said.

Mikaela Poley was sent to Glenbrook after she collected her cap and gown from the school store to get her commencement tickets, and was excited to see all the other booths set up for the Career Fair.

“It’s cool that it’s here! It gives us an opportunity to look at other opportunities in the work force,” said Poley.

Victoria Angis, Vyonne Swenson and college store manager Gail St. Pierre were few of the staff working with the seniors.

“You no longer have to order … it’s so much easier now,” said St.Pierre, talking about the caps and gowns.

Caps and gowns are still available in the school store for $34.95 with a student ID, and are 20 percent off with a coupon. Special diploma frames are for sale as well.



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