Seniors prepare to say farewell to the Castle

One swift handshake with the right, one firm grasp on the rolled up piece of paper in your left and the mind-boggling realization that “it’s all over” consumes your body.
On Saturday May 17 at 2 p.m., Castleton’s graduating class will close the door on their college careers and embark on the journey to the rest of their lives.
It’s a life altering experience to say the least.
“When you’re a freshman you just want to break out of your shell and then all of a sudden you’re a senior and you wish you had more time. It’ surreal, ” senior Amanda Phomnath said.
All those late night study sessions, dreaded hangovers and constant struggles to get out of bed in the morning have finally come to an end. Almost all of the 551 soon to be graduates of the 2013-2014 class can agree; this will be a bittersweet moment.
Nicole Ricci, a soon to be Castleton alum, encapsulates this distraught feeling about bidding adieu to Castleton.
“I’m sad to leave my Castleton family behind, but I’m excited to see what the future holds for me,” she said.
Some graduating seniors are leaving Castleton with full-time jobs such as Spanish education major Brian Garvey.
“Castleton has provided me with an exceptional foundation that has allowed me to land a full time position doing what I’ve always dreamt of doing by teaching in Columbia next year,” he said.
 Other soon to be graduates, like super-senior Isaac French, are struggling with the harsh reality of our scarce job market.
“Five years later and I still don’t know what I want to do with my degree,” he said.  
Not only will the graduates feel a sense of sadness leaving Castleton’s quaint community, faculty members and underclassmen are also disjointed about losing beloved students and friends.
“Some of my closest friends are seniors. Not having them around next year is a harsh reality that I’m not looking forward to dealing with, but I know all of them will contribute great things in their future careers,” sophomore Kelsie Boudreau said.
Student Services Staff Assistant Tina Betit comes in contact with almost every student on campus – and she feels it too.
“It’s always sad when this time of year comes around. I’ve seen these students grow over the last few years so it’s hard to see them go,” she said.

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