Video queen of the Castle

It’s 11 a.m. on a Tuesday in the Castleton communication department and you need to record an interview that starts at noon. No need to panic, because on the right side of the entrance is Samantha Green, better known as “Sam.”
When entering her office, you are greeted with a welcomed feeling and humorous quips. Green is always happy to help students check out video equipment and share a chatty conversation. The drawings and thank you letters on her board shows what she means to people.
“She brings a presence a lot of students and faculty enjoy,” said head of the Castleton communication department Robert Gershon.
Plus anyone with Space Invaders stickers on their computer has to have a fun personality, right?
Green spent most of her life in Rochester, N.Y. with her mother, Sally, and her father, Bob. Both of her parents were born deaf, so Green had a different experience as a child than others.
She learned how to do sign language before speaking and began reading at an early age.
“We had closed captioning on the television so I was reading at three,” said Green. “When friends came over, they would complain about the words on the television.”
Her family also had a hearing dog when she was young that would get her parents if the smoke detector went off or she was crying. Green’s parents both worked as artists.
Bob is a graphic designer and Sally is a painter and licensed in library science.
“My dad’s office was in the cellar, so I would jump on a specific spot on the floor and the vibration would tell him dinner was ready,” Green said.
Although she works in the communication department, her first love is theater. She attended Hartwick College, where she majored in theater and did work with theater tech and also in her school’s media center.
“Communications wasn’t a thing at my school,” said Green. “I just knew how to work with media through theater.”
The skills learned through the media center and theater department eventually helped her to get the job at Castleton where she now helps students and faculty.
“Sam’s a problem solver,” said Castleton student Hayley Ryan. “She thinks outside of the box.”
Green is currently moving to Rutland Town with her wife, Meghan Doherty, who she has been married to for a year. Doherty is an art teacher and a Para-educator in West Rutland.
For the past two years, Green and her wife have been working summers at Farm and Wilderness Barn day camp. Doherty had worked there for six years prior, which is how Green learned of it.
“It has only been two years at the camp, but it’s a big part of our lives,” Green said.
At the camp, she does wood working and games with the campers and Doherty teaches art.
Working at Farm and Wilderness Camp is only a piece of how Green helps people with new things. She also assists students with finding internships at PegTV.
“I push internships, it gets people over the initial fear of moving on in the future,” said Green. “If I believe in something, it’s easy for me to sell.”
She’s always willing to talk and feels that mistakes can be good because they can be learned from.
“Not only do I consider Sam a friend, but she advises me,” said Castleton alumnus Courtney Ianni.
Green also often helps with Video Workshop classes on both editing and on the Video Magazine.
“I like having Sam around,” said Gershon. “She brings technical expertise.”
Whether it’s working at a summer camp, helping with internships or even being someone to talk to, all agree Green has made a positive impact on many people and continues to do so.
“I like the feeling of working at a place where you have a feeling of the future, and it’s different every semester,” Green said.