SGA back in session
The Student Government Association at Castleton State College is back in session and back on the path to making changes here at Castleton.
While a new semester always brings new challenges, the new group dedicating time to the SGA is serious and committed about the new ideas they bring.
“I don’t think I could have hand picked a better group,” said SGA President Timothy Mackintosh.
“Even the second week in, there isn’t a herd mentality. These are individuals who are voting for what they really believe in. We’re really creating that type of culture in SGA.”
Director of Student Activities Melissa Paradee couldn’t agree more.
“I’m really proud of the group and there individual mentalities. We are truly off to a strong start. None of these students wants to pass anything just to say they’ve done something, they want to ask questions and make the best decision for our campus,” said Paradee.
This semester brings new ideas to the table, as well as struggles to complete past projects as well.
Sophomore Catie Wielgasz is facing one of these struggles when it comes to improving safety around campus. As a delegate, part of her job entails generating ideas and putting them into action to benefit the entire Castleton community.
Wielgasz has taken on ensuring that every blue safety podium around campus not only works, but is up to standard and that the response time from our Public Safety is on point.
Wielgasz has been working on the project since her first semester as delegate and notes that it hasn’t been an easy task to get everyone on board.
“Even when we planned to do a safety test, they asked a time and a date. They showed up in minutes, but it was like they were waiting instead of responding,” said Wielgasz.
“Like most emergencies, it was daytime and scheduled,” added Program Advisor Alex Davis, laughing.
Davis said the school did put new emergency poles out by the tennis courts, however.
Wieglasz said attempts to reach Director of Public Safety Bob Godlewski have been unsuccessful in the past, but she hopes that they will be able to work together on the project further this semester.
When reached for comment, Godlewski confirmed that a test was run last semester at the request of a student, though he couldn’t say offhand whether the student was Wielgasz. He also denied that his staff knew about the test time prior.
“We picked a time that all of our officers wouldn’t be preoccupied, didn’t tell our officers about the test and let them respond,” said Godlewski.
He added that he hadn’t heard anything past that event or yet this semester but would be willing to work on any project that increased the safety of the campus.
In other news:
SGA Delegate Jordon King is working on a proposal to institute pre-freshman surveys to better match roommates.
“People have different schedules and preferences. It makes the first year more difficult than it needs to be,” said King.
The survey would include questions about sleeping habits, study habits and lifestyle choices and King believes it will be beneficial for any incoming students.
In addition, SGA Secretary Colleen Kunz has been successful in her bid to get more recreational activity on campus. Starting this semester, anyone from the college or greater Castleton community can use racquetballs, volleyballs and basketballs free of charge at Glenbrook Gymnasium.
“You just leave an I.D. and use what you want,” said Kunz.
Kunz also hopes to procure tennis balls, kick balls and rugby balls for the community to enjoy.
The SGA welcomes student input at all of their meetings.
Meetings will be held Thursdays during N-Period in the SGA office in the Campus Center.